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map description:

Central America


© Casaubon

players: 6
concept: This is map can be played as FFA (all against all) or in teams. The side colors represent cities of real world states. Smaller states with less bases got more starting units in return.
If you want to play this in teams the players should join either team A or B according to this suggestion:
BLUE - Guatemala (Team A)
RED - El Salvador (Team B)
PURPLE - Honduras (Team B)
YELLOW - Nicaragua (Team A)
GREEN - Costa Rica (Team A)
WHITE - Panama (Team B)
Maybe you find a possibility to play in 3 independent teams also.
known biases: Single sides are more or less difficult to play but the teams' strengths seem to be balanced in general.


If you want to play this map as 2 players, there is a 2 player version called 'panama crisis'.

concept of the 2 player version:right at the panama canal a local conflict brakes out and could grow large in the whole region. the first moves are decisive. Blue and red own 1 single trooper and both can buy a speedboat starting off in the canal. The directions you send out your 2 units will decide all your later options.

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Weewar map preview

Central America (weebot mod)

changes to normal weewar version: Increase of movability through roads and more passes on tactical locations in mountain ranges. Now you can get your heavy equipment to most parts of the map without being stuck in dead ends. Credits are about the same like in the weewar version, where towns (50% income) replaced bases, their number was increased. Placement of towns on the map is the biggest change probably, there is some whole coastal areas where due to the lack of bases units cannot be built but need to be brought in from larger cities. With this layout I hope to have increased some guerilla raids and secondary fighting for passages there in the mountains and jungle. The map in this state was not playtested yet but I'm planning to have another LAN soon. We need to check, if the separation of capital production centers from provincial income areas is balanced for all colors...