





real world countries (historical conflict):

©Lil_Trotsky: Spanish Civil War (2 pl.) shows Spain and engaged 2 players as either nationalist-fascist or commies forces during the civil war 1936- 1939. ©Count Wasilij: D-Day (2 pl.) shows the Normandy region near Caen where the allied forces landed to liberate western Europe from Nazi tyranny. Maybe we can play this with cruisers and aircraft carrier somewhen in the future ;-) ©Count Wasilij: Korean War (3 pl. 2 vs. 1) shows the Korean War 1950 - 1953. I like the 2 v 1 setting of this map, the balancing is unfinished though. ©Orhan: Anatolia 1920 (2 pl.) shows the Greco-Turkish conflict during the partioning of the Ottoman Empire in the early 1920ies. ©Outkast: East vs. West Germany (2 pl.) a small map with split Germany into western and communist block. ©McMonster: Thailand Revolution (2 pl.) McMonster elaborated a revolution scenario after King Bhumibol's death with detailed geography and political background info.

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Weewar map preview Weewar map preview
Weewar map preview Weewar map preview


real world countries (fictional conflict):

©Stirling: Europe(6 pl.) Newest version of Stirling's most popular map with an elaborated balancing. ©Lil_Trotsky: Neoshogunate(4 pl.) shows a larger scale map of japan including more islands. He got a 2 pl. and a 4 pl. version. ©Lil_Trotsky: Florida Swum Wuter(2 pl.) a neutral Florida that you can conquer out of the Miami area or from the north ©Hektor: Wee Dawn(4 pl.) the USA being invaded from several sides, this is a superlarge map ©ShaveandaHaircut: Great Lakes(2 pl.) as the name says its a very large great lakes region map for 2 players, Streen made a version based upon this for 4 players also. ©ShaveandaHaircut: Falkland Islands(2 pl.) another real world map, navy is important. ©ShaveandaHaircut: War for the Antarctic(3 pl.) Nice apocalyptical story setting and for 3 players ©Dizaemon: A Wee down under(3 pl.) Dizaemon made the first Australia map, based upon reliable geographical data. It's not perfectly balanced and so many made their own version based upon this. ©StaleMuffin: Middle earth(4 pl.) As a big Tolkien fan I have to put it here, real world countries, yes well, ... on a different world it fits. The air units cant repair on that one. Not sure bout the balancing ;-) ©Mo: Wee Mediterranean(6 pl.) Mo made a really big southern Europe map, play as Algeria, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey or Israel ©Nature God: Mini Britain(2 pl.) Great Britain split in North vs South, Ireland also, which makes it interesting ©Zydo: Venetia Laguna(2 pl.) Neutral Venice attacked from seaside or the mainland. (Blue biased) ©Myliverhatesme: California(2 pl.) This westcoast map is a classical bottleneck map. (3 pl. weebot version available)
©Lensar: Carribean Conflict(6 pl.) A central america map with all the countries your bananas come from ©Nature God: Mini Australia(2 pl.) another one of Nature_God's minimaps, shows Australia divided in a North vs South scenario. Kajahmod version also available.
©Nature God: Mini Europe(4 pl.) a quick start version of Stirlings Mini Europe for 4 players. BAM Version available here ©McMonster: Nile-istic Red Sea REVOLUTION!(2 pl.) another fictional revolution done by the monster. Map competes in Weewar Time map contest. ©danlar78: Sweden v3(4 pl.) a fight for the swedish coast in a geograhically correct setting. something tells me the middle colors will have a difficult time. maybe better suited for teamplay ©myliverhatesme: Nevada(2 pl.) lots of desert and mountains, slight blue bias. weebot version is better balanced I think

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geometrical maps

©DaBee: High Stakes(4 pl.) This fine geometrical map does not look like it was geometrical actually I like that. ©Cadu: Islands and Bridges(4 pl.) This one is almost geometrical so I put it here. I played it several times and liked it especially with limited units (no destroyers). I also did a copy of it with more bridges. ©Lil_Trotsky: Thicket Crossing(2 pl.) this map has 2 things I like; only 1 airport makes air units really valuable, the distances by land are big enough to make tanks usefull and let the players launch attacks on land in different locations simultaneously. ©Stirlingxa: Commando(2 pl.)this map by map crafter Stirling is well balanced and requires some unusual movement strategies on a chessboard - like small map ©Zelimirzadar: Bizarre for 3(3 pl.) Zeli made this interesting 3 player creation, where you start in a base without a hover exit and need to capture harbors to get additional bases. ©HumpHammer: Tribal Hex(3 pl.) this is a popular and geometrical classic that I strongly recommend for a 6 player or tournament game.

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Weewar map preview Weewar map preview
Weewar map preview


non geometrical maps

©Bert: Aruba(2 pl.) Probably the map everyone played most, an all time classic, that I still do enjoy. ©Fabbrett: Town(2 pl.) Very small map and a quick streetfight action. ©Stirlingxa: Island Fever(3 pl.) 4 islands map that was made by someone else (Presto maybe?) and rebalanced by expert Stirling. One of my favourites. ©Druz:
(2 pl.) a small sized high income sea map with additional base & airfield for both players.

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Weewar map preview Weebot map preview

BAM maps (related & off-site:topic in weewar forums)

(Blue player abandons after setup to make the pro map + units available to trial players)
SEE MAPS ON PROFILES OF: DrDrew, Somar96, Tombrady25, McMonster for a collection of BAM Maps.

special BOT maps

Stirling made a range of maps designed especially for BOT play. They are mostly heavily RED biased to be a challenge against BOT ai_ZappBrannigan.